I-Flow is a digital + physical service for a community of users that like to exercise while on the move. The system allows the user to get fitter throughout a series of physical activities and tasks. The system helps the users to build up confidence and strength.

The Master Memory of the system that can be access on the move, allows the I-Flow user to compare his/her performance with others members of the I-Flow community.

I-Flow is a service that offers free movement in a designed urban playground as a physical activity to energise commuters.

I-Flow is a digital + physical service for a community of users that like to exercise while on the move. The system allows the user to get fitter throughout a series of physical activities and tasks. The system helps the users to build up confidence and strength.
I- Flow

Design and Research Award winner at Siena Design Project 2006
My role: Service & Interaction Designer
Team Project, Milan, Italy 2006
I-Flow is a digital + physical service -app that converts the urban space on a playground to allow physical activities building a community of commuters that can exercise while on the move.